Nouran Salah on the Pole

Noha Sobh fishing with her father

Flashback of Nawal El Saadawi

Girls on bicycles venture into poor neighborhoods

Big Little Women Funeral scene

Hagga tells how she deals with sexual harassment.

Mixed Marriage in Switzerland.

Generation of young women fighting for equality in Cairo, Egypt

Opening scene / Elections line

Writer, Psychiatrist and Feminist Nawal El Saadawi

Only woman among men scene

A young couple needs to decide if they keep their baby or not.

Guilaine Londez (Carmen) and Riton Liebman (Remy) find out that their new born baby has no determined sex.

Maria de Medeiros is the mid wife in a french hospital on strike

Guilaine Londez(Carmen) can't sleep at night.

Claire Nebout (France) watches a striptease of her American lover (Baron).

Baron(Orran Farmer) was dressed in girl's clothes as a little boy.

Attack in Paris

A date on internet turns sour.

Half sisters meet for the first time.

Layla ( Nozha Khoudra) prepares her escape from home.

Layla is sexually harassed by her class mate at University.

Scene of Layla rescued by a doctor and her daughter.

Layla is in prison when her boyfriend visits her.

Layla enjoys her freedom with her first love.

In a hidden place on the beach, Layla and her boyfriend enjoy a private moment.

A female doctor ( Samia Mzali) is questioned by her daughter concerning the death of a young girl.

Naima and her daughter on a road trip.

Amina sings at a private party provoking her husband's jealousy.

Amina discovers her husband's jealousy.

Randy, a bodyguard in Hollywood.

Girls in Cairo prefer to ride scooters instead of public transportation.

Girls in Cairo prefer to ride scooters instead of public transportation to avoid sexual harassment.

A commercial shot for "Home Exchange" in California.

A commercial shot for "Home Exchange" in California.

Child soldier, produced by Nadia Fares.